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The Internet of Things:
“You Ain’t Seen Nothin’ Yet”
By Ignatius A. Grande | Mark E. Michels
October 2014
The Internet of Things:
“You Ain’t Seen Nothin’ Yet”1
In recent years, discovery professionals have had to come to grips with diverse forms of
electronically stored information (“ESI”) generated from a variety of new technologies,
including mobile devices, the cloud, and social media. They have had to deal with these diverse
forms of ESI while at the same time deal with an exploding volume of data from traditional
sources such as organizational email and data repositories. Yet, when it comes to the Internet of
Things (“IoT”) and the data challenges discovery professionals will likely face in the coming
years, Randy Bachman’s 1974 observation, “You Ain’t Seen Nothin’ Yet2,” was right on.
What is The Internet of Things
Although the idea of the “Internet of Things” (“IoT”) may have emerged as early as
19993, the concept has taken on some broad connotations. “The improved cost performance of
computing, storage, and bandwidth has enabled devices of all kinds—including smartphones,
wearables, appliances, medical equipment, and vehicles—to connect with the Internet and each
other to create, share, and analyze information, all without human intervention.”4
IoT has been defined as “the network of physical objects accessed through the Internet…
These objects contain embedded technology to interact with internal states or the external
environment.5” The IoT concept “involves connecting machines, facilities, fleets, networks, and
even people to sensors and controls; feeding sensor data into advanced analytics applications and
1 Ignatius A. Grande, Hughes Hubbard and Reed, LLP and Mark E. Michels, Deloitte Transactions and Business
Analytics, LLP.
3 RFID Journal, That ‘Internet of Things’ Thing, June 22, 2009
4 Deloitte, The Internet of Things Ecosystem
5 Cisco, The Internet of Things,
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predictive algorithms.”6 “In a single day, we will leave digital fingerprints not only through the
devices we carry, but also every object or establishment we interact with will possess metadata
about our movements and decisions.”7
Examples of these Internet-connected “things” include smart phones, smart watches,
activity trackers, health and fitness trackers, seat sensors, thermostats, road sensors, and smart
keys or security systems for consumers. Internet-connected things also can link “manufacturing
floors, energy grids, healthcare facilities, and transportation systems–to the Internet.”8
Furthermore, [w]hen an object can represent itself digitally, it can be controlled from anywhere.
This connectivity means more data, gathered from more places...”9 IoT business opportunities
are so compelling that, according to the Economist, almost 75 percent of executives surveyed by
the Economist Intelligence Unit were exploring or adopting some form of IoT solution.10 In fact,
Cisco estimates that the 10 billion IoT devices that existed in 2010 will balloon to more than 50
billion devices by the year 2020.11
IoT, with its massive, disparate, transitory data--located within companies and within
third party providers—is expected to present significant challenges to discovery professionals.
However, case law and rules put in place over the past decade should provide practitioners with a
framework for providing practical and proactive advice and to address IoT data demands in
future litigation and disputes.
6 Deloitte, Signals for Strategists, The Internet of Things
7 Michele Lange, JD Supra Business Advisor, How the ‘Internet of Things’ Will Impact Discovery, March 6, 2014
8 Cisco, The Internet of Things
9 Id.
10 The Economist, The Internet of things Business Index, October 29, 2013
11 Dave Evans, Cisco IBSG, The Internet of Things: How the Next Evolution of the Internet Is Changing Everything
April 2011
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IoT Uses and Potential Uses
Individuals are already using and accessing numerous sensors and transmitters that
connect to the Internet in some way. Smart phones with their geolocation capabilities provide
users (and potentially others) with information about restaurants, stores and entertainment in
their vicinity. The smart phones’ geolocation services are also integral to the phone’s navigation
functions. Some navigation services on GPS devices or navigation applications transmit traffic
congestion data back to the phone or GPS device in order to provide alternative route
The activity trackers and sleep trackers that many individuals wear, collect information
and send it to the internet, and based upon that information, these devices end up providing
useful information related to the wearer’s health and well-being. Smart watches reportedly have
an ability to track data (heart rate and body temperature) which reflect the wearer’s relaxation
level.12 Implants or stamp-sized silicone sensors have not yet taken hold, but the technology is
available to enable these nearly invisible devices to transmit information about a number of
health conditions, including one’s temperature, muscle activity, or heart rate.13 Internetconnected
cameras and sensors in the home provide the homeowner with convenience and
security. Thermostats with sensors communicate with other devices in the home and with the
homeowner to monitor and manage temperature. TVs may track usage patterns and ad watching
patterns and transmit such information via wireless connection.14 Sensors in refrigerators may
notify consumers when they are out of out of milk by transmitting a signal to the person’s smart
12 Stan Shroeder, Mashable, Asus ZenWatch: A Fancy Smartwatch That Measures Your Relaxation Levels September 3, 2014.
13 Tim De Chant, Nova Next, In Ten Years, You Won’t Even Know You’re Wearing Them, June 18, 2014.
14 Internet of Things Privacy Summit Blog, 59% of U.S. Internet Users Know Smart Devices Can Collect Information About Their
Personal Activities, May 30, 2014
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device that will, in turn, sense when an individual is near a grocery store and generate an alert to
suggest purchasing milk.15 In addition to these consumer applications, IoT business applications
abound. Among them are automobile telematics (telecommunications and informatics),
healthcare and industrial controls.
The insurance industry now offers usage based insurance (“UBI”) which use automobile
sensor data (which the automobile transmits back to the insurer’s data repository) to establish
customer insurance premiums. For those who purchase UBI policies the automobile is equipped
with devices which “measure a number of elements of interest to underwriters: miles driven;
time of day; where the vehicle is driven (GPS); rapid acceleration; hard breaking; hard cornering;
and air bag deployment.”16 With such data the insurer can undertake an analysis of the data and
price an insurance premium aligned with the individual’s actual driving patterns.17 For example,
“a driver who drives long distance at high speed will be charged a higher rate than a driver who
drives short distances at slower speeds.”18
Automobile sensors also can report data back to fleet managers or manufacturers which
indicate the need for repair or maintenance. One company has developed a service where vehicle
sensors transmit data to a monitoring center which indicates that the automobile had an accident,
which enables operators to dispatch emergency responders.19A very popular use case for
Internet-connected sensors is delivering remote healthcare. Sensors placed in the home, on the
individual and in medical testing devices can transmit data back to the medical professional to
15John Kuhn Medill, McClatchy DC, With ‘Internet of Things,’ your fridge will know when milk is low, May 23, 2014,
16 National Association of Insurance Commissioners, Usage-Based Insurance and Telematics, 7/18/2014
17 The U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) undertook an extensive study on in-car location-based services
and some privacy implications:
18 Id.
19 Cnet, AAA to offer customers In-Drive Emergency Response Telematics, August 15, 2011
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identify treatment needs or other medical issues. With an aging population these medical “smart
homes” may help individuals remain in their home and delay or avoid the emotional and
financial costs of moving into an assisted living facility.20
Sensors placed in industrial control systems, such as supervisory control and data
acquisition (“SCADA”) systems, provide capabilities to manage power grids and pipelines.
These sensors can monitor the hardware and systems and provide real-time reports to operators.
Analysts also can evaluate compiled historical data to provide insight into longer-term equipment
operation and maintenance experience. For example, sensors placed in petroleum processing and
transport equipment can automatically send alerts to central technicians to allow remote
troubleshooting and problem resolution.21
These are just a few of the emerging IoT developments. Dr. Richard Mark Soley, the
Executive Director of the Industrial Internet Consortium, views the industrial Internet as a third
major revolution preceded by (1) the industrial revolution and (2) the Internet revolution.22 A
broad ecosystem will need to emerge to enable this Industrial Internet revolution. Indeed, one
finding of an IoT workshop conducted with the MIT Media Lab concluded that, “[t]o realize the
expected impact and potential market for IoT, providers will have to work together within the
IoT provider ecosystem of infrastructure, hardware, software, and other vendors to develop
solutions that have greater potential to drive significant business value for enterprises.”23
20 See, Wall Street Journal, CIO Journal, Using Sensor Technology to Lower Elder Care Costs, July 28, 2014.
21 Deloitte, The Internet of Things Ecosystem,
22 See, The Industrial Internet: A Sence of the Future, September 15, 2014
23 Deloitte, The Internet of Things Ecosystem,
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IoT in Litigation and E-Discovery
As the number and variety of IoT devices rapidly increase in coming years and the
volume of data created by such devices increases, IoT is expected to have a great impact on the
practice of e-discovery and the challenges and risks that companies and individuals will face.
The Federal Rules of Civil Procedure seem to be well suited to adapt to this revolution.
The Committee Notes to the 2006 Amendments to the Federal Rules note that, “[t]he wide
variety of computer systems currently in use, and the rapidity of technological change, counsel
against a limiting or precise definition of electronically stored information.”24 In addition, the
Notes state that Rule 34(a)(1) “includes any type of information that is stored
electronically…[including]… information "stored in any medium," to encompass future
developments in computer technology.25 Rule 34(a)(1) is intended to be broad enough to cover
all current types of computer-based information, and flexible enough to encompass future
changes and developments.
Companies that store data from IoT devices, whether they are corporations or technology
companies will need to properly maintain such data in ways that do not violate privacy rights of
individuals whose data is being collected. TRENDnet, a company that produces wireless
cameras that beam live and motion-captured video to users' laptops or phones, learned this lesson
the hard way. The Federal Trade Commission recently penalized TRENDnet for its lax security
practices after a hacker in January 2012 exploited a security flaw and posted links to the live
feeds, which “displayed babies asleep in their cribs, young children playing and adults going
about their daily lives.”26 TRENDnet agreed to sanctions that include a 20-year security-
24 Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, Rule 34 Advisory Committee Notes to 2006 Amendments
25 Id.
26 In the Matter of TRENDnet, Inc., FTC File No. 122 3090 (Sept. 4, 2013) (Complaint ¶ 10).
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compliance auditing program.27 TRENDnet may be the first IoT company that was ill-prepared
to manage the privacy challenges of the IoT industry, but they will not be the last company to
run into issues managing IoT data.
The next television that you purchase will likely be a “smart TV” that connects to the
internet. This technology is also experiencing some of the dangers of the Internet of Things, as
it appears that certain technologies that have made this possible also allow for hackers to
takeover apps on the TV or even launch attacks across the Internet. There are even indications
that in certain scenarios, the hacker could log in and post messages to the homeowner’s social
network, such as Facebook, on the person's behalf. “Smart fridges, garage doors, car
entertainment systems and electricity meters are all examples of new technology that all benefit
from Internet connectivity, but the extension of technology in this way also brings the possibility
of more cyber-attacks.”28
In addition, parties in future years will need to be cognizant of case law developments on
custody, possession and control, with regard to how that concept will be applied to the Internet of
Things. The questions of who has possession, custody, and control in this age of the internet of
things will be complicated by issues of cost, burden, access, privacy and contractual issues.
Especially since the location of IoT data will not always be obvious and the ownership of such
data may also not be clear, the issues that courts will face in determining what data is within a
party’s possession, custody and control, will be complex.
It is only a matter of time until there will be regular demands for IoT data in civil
litigation, criminal investigations, and regulatory matters. Imagine search warrants for sensor
27 In the Matter of TRENDnet, Inc., FTC File No. 122 3090 (Sept. 4, 2013) (Consent Order).
28Doug Drinkwater, SC Magazine, Alarm bells ring for Internet of Things after smart TV hack, June 10, 2014 (quoting David
Emm, senior security researcher at Kaspersky Lab)
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location data, demands for biometric data from activity and health monitors in personal injury
matters, or requests for automobile sensor data in defect class-actions. Employment actions could
be decided by location sensors or seat sensors that confirm when someone was working at their
desk. IoT devices have the potential to eventually track everything that individuals are doing at
home and at work and to track various corporate operations. The potential uses of IoT devices
are endless when almost every device can be connected to the internet. While we are still in the
nascent stages of the IoT age, our courts have put in place a framework that should quickly adapt
to address IoT technologies. In recent years, courts have extended preservation and discovery
obligations to encompass social media content, text messages, and data stored on the cloud.
Social media content is also a form of data that has developed quickly and is not viewed
in the same light as email or written correspondence by some people. In Lester v. Allied
Concrete,29 the Court found that social media data should be treated like any other electronically
stored information when it comes to preservation obligations. In Lester v. Allied Concrete,
Plaintiff filed suit for wrongful death of his late wife and for his personal injuries, including
mental anguish. During the litigation, the defendant in the case requested that the plaintiff
produce information and pictures from his Facebook page, including a photo of Plaintiff holding
a beer can and wearing a shirt stating, “I love hot moms.” Following this discovery request,
Plaintiff’s attorney directed him to “clean up” his Facebook page because “[w]e don’t want any
blow-ups of this stuff at trial.” Plaintiff then deactivated his Facebook page. However,
Defendant had already seen the damaging photos and had downloaded some photos from
Plaintiff’s Facebook site. Due to Plaintiff’s actions, Defendant incurred significant legal and
expert fees in addressing Plaintiff’s conduct and seeking to recover the pictures.
29 Lester v. Allied Concrete Co., Nos. CL.08-150, CL09-223 (Va. Cir. Ct. Sept. 1, 2011).
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The Court found that an attorney directing a client to delete social media content subject
to a legal hold was no different than an attorney directing a client to delete emails or other
electronic data. The Court granted Defendant’s motion for sanctions and awarded over
$700,000 in fees and costs.
Courts have also made it clear that text messages are subject to a party’s preservation
obligations. The defendant in In re Pradaxa30 was sanctioned $931,500 for, among other things,
failing to preserve and produce employees' text messages. The Court in this case stated that
“[t]he basis for their argument seems to be… that the production of text messages is too
burdensome….It is certainly common knowledge that texting has become the preferred means of
communication.” Since text messages are not often preserved on a company’s server, it is vitally
important to proactively seek to preserve such data when it is subject to a legal hold.
In Brown v. Tellermate,31 the Court made it clear that a party to a litigation cannot plead
ignorance when it comes to data that is maintained and stored in the cloud by a third party
provider. In this case, the data at issue was not from IoT devices although if it were, the holding
would likely have been the same. The data at issue here was maintained in a third-party, webbased
customer relationship management (“CRM”) application that records sales employees'
interactions with customers and potential customers.
Plaintiffs had requested certain data from the CRM system, but Tellermate claimed that it
did not maintain the CRM information and could not “print out accurate historical records.”
Tellermate’s counsel represented that Tellermate was “contractually prohibited from providing
30 In re Pradaxa (Dabigatran Etexilate) Prods. Liability Litig., No. 12-md-2385, 2013 WL 6486921, at *17, *20 (S.D. Ill. Dec.
9, 2013); see also Small v. University Medical Center of Southern Nevada, 2014 WL 4079507 (D. Nev. 2014)
31 Brown v. Tellermate, No. 2:11-cv-1122 (S.D. Ohio July 1, 2014)
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the CRM information -- including information Tellermate inputs into it -- to third parties.”32 As it
turned out, this proved to be false. The contract between the CRM solution provider and
Tellermate made clear that Tellermate owned and controlled the information that had been
inputted into the application by Tellermate employees.
Not only did the Court find that Tellermate misrepresented facts regarding the availability
of data in the CRM tool, it found that Tellermate failed to properly preserve data that was
maintained in the application. There were no snapshots or copies made of the data on the CRM
system at the key point in time. Testimony demonstrated that Tellermate employees had the
ability to go into the tool and update, or in some instances overwrite, information regarding
customer contacts. At the time the litigation commenced, Tellermate did not take any steps to
preserve or export a snapshot of the data as it existed at that time.
Due to Tellermate not taking steps to preserve the CRM data, the Court took the extreme
step of precluding Tellermate from “using any evidence which would tend to show that the
[Plaintiffs] were terminated for performance-related reasons.33” Additionally, the Court ordered
Tellermate to pay Plaintiffs’ attorneys’ fees and costs in connection with moving to compel
discovery.34 Brown v. Tellermate and other preservation cases like it have important
ramifications for companies to keep in mind when implementing or using IoT solutions.
Parties did not anticipate preserving data in the more novel forms that they were being
created in the cases set forth above. Not asking the right questions and taking the right steps
came back to haunt the parties accused of spoliating in the cases above. Attorneys and
companies will be presented with many challenges as IoT technologies take hold in our world.
32 Id.
33 Id.
34 Id.
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It is going to be crucial for in-house counsel and outside counsel to find out when IoT
technologies are being rolled out by their company and what kinds of data the devices are
tracking or storing, where such data is maintained and how they will be able to export or freeze
portions of that data in response to future legal holds that are put in place. When putting in place
legal holds, in-house counsel and outside counsel should be sure to ask the right questions of IT
departments and others at corporations in order to determine what if any IoT devices may be
used that might be producing information that is relevant to a given litigation or investigation.
It is not too early for discovery and forensic professionals to begin asking these questions of
clients and to anticipate the impact of the Internet of Things on their practice.
In the IoT world, it will not always be clear when IoT data may be potentially relevant
and the location of the data that is being collected by IoT devices may not always be known.
Also, the data that may be created by IoT devices may not always be cleanly preserved or
collected from a third party. It may be that IoT data for a given case may be combined with
other data being collected and it might be very costly to preserve or extract any potentially
relevant data.
Related IoT Issues
The United States Federal Trade Commission hosted an “Internet of Things” workshop
focusing primarily on consumer privacy issues in November 2013.35 Similarly, the European
35 Federal Trade Commission, Internet of Things Workshop Transcript, November 19, 2013
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Union Article 29 advisory body on data protection and privacy recently issued an opinion on
data protection risks in the IoT ecosystem.36
Securing data in these massive networks also raises significant concerns regarding
potential data breaches and cyber-attacks. In fact, there are reports that one of the first proven
cyber-attacks on consumer IoT devices occurred earlier this year.37Additionally, IoT moves the
“Big Data” needle even bigger. Accordingly, implementing Information Governance strictures
and process around these IoT data repositories should be even more compelling than it is now.
Like many of the technology developments in recent years, IoT will transform the way
we live and work. Litigation, disputes, and investigations will continue and discovery
practitioners should be prepared to address the complex issues associated with IoT data in the
years to come.
This publication contains general information only and Deloitte and Hughes Hubbard are not, by means of this publication, rendering accounting,
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sustained by any person who relies on this publication. As a non-legal service provider, Deloitte’s discovery services are provided under the direction
and supervision of its client’s legal counsel.
Hughes Hubbard means Hughes Hubbard & Reed LLP. Deloitte means Deloitte Financial Advisory Services LLP and its affiliate, Deloitte Transactions
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to attest clients under the rules and regulations of public accounting.
36 See, European Union, Article 29 Working Party, Opinion 8/2014 on Recent Developments on the Internet of Things.
37 Proofpoint, Proofpoint Uncovers Internet of Things (IoT) Cyberattack