July 21, 2022 – In July 2022, the World Bank Group's Integrity Compliance Officer notified a large Chinese state-owned company (“Company”) and client of Hughes Hubbard & Reed (“HHR”) that it had satisfied the conditions for release from the World Bank sanction. 


The World Bank had debarred the company in July 2018 in connection with a World Bank  project in China. Under the terms of the Negotiated Settlement Agreement with the World Bank, the Company agreed to develop an integrity compliance program consistent with the principles set out in the World Bank Group's Integrity Compliance Guidelines and implement it across the Company's headquarters as well as its subsidiaries and branches directly or indirectly controlled by the Company. 


The Company promptly appointed Christine Kang, who has extensive experience in handling multilateral development bank (“MDB”) investigations and sanctions, as its counsel for this matter. Christine and her team worked closely with the Company's compliance function to develop and implement a compliance program that satisfied its obligations to the World Bank as well as relevant Chinese national compliance guidelines. 


With support from the Company's leadership and compliance function, Christine and her team advised and assisted the Company in fully implementing the integrity compliance program, including by conducting compliance training for management and employees, carried out group-wide risk assessments, coordinated the site visits to the Company's headquarters and subsidiaries, and facilitated interviews with numerous employees of the Company, among others. 


In bringing the compliance rectification work to its successful conclusion, the HHR team led by Christine, Mike Huneke, and Ayoka Akinosi, as well as Daniel Chan and Wilson Wang, worked with the Company’s compliance function in drafting a comprehensive application for release from sanction to demonstrate the effectiveness of the Company’s integrity compliance program during the past four years and compliance with the terms of the agreement.

在合规整改工作的最后阶段,由康乂律师、Mike Huneke律师、Ayoka Akinosi律师、陈孝业律师和王一凡律师组成的HHR律师团队与公司合规部门密切配合,高效率起草了内容详实、支持证据充分的英文版《解禁申请》,全面汇报公司在过去四年中各项合规工作所取得的进展和成绩,有力证明公司已经全面满足了《和解协议》项下的解禁条件。

This is the third Chinese company counseled by Christine Kang regarding successful release from MDB sanction in 2022. The matter also demonstrates the HHR team's deep understanding and record of accomplishment of assisting Chinese state-owned companies in developing and implementing a compliance program in line with the World Bank Group's requirements as well as Chinese compliance requirements. 


The HHR counsel team advising on this matter includes Christine Kang, Mike Huneke, Ayoka Akinosi, Daniel Chan, and Wilson Wang.

本项目的HHR团队成员包括康乂、Mike Huneke、Ayoka Akinosi、陈孝业、王一凡。