February 2025 – On February 26, 2025, the Asian Development Bank (ADB)’s Office of Anticorruption and Integrity (OAI) officially notified a leading machinery manufacturer (“Company”), a client of Hughes Hubbard, that the Company and its related entities have satisfied all the conditions for early release from the ADB sanction and is eligible to participate in projects financed, administered and supported by the ADB from the same date.


In July 2023, the Company entered a Settlement Agreement with the ADB wherein the Company agreed to a conditional non-debarment for a period of two years with the possibility for early release after 18 months in connection with the Company’s bid for an ADB-financed project, while it was subject to a previous debarment since 2012. Under the terms of the Settlement Agreement, the Company agreed to develop and implement a company-wide integrity compliance program (ICP) aligned with the principles set out in the ADB’s Integrity Principles and Guidelines and Anticorruption Policy.


The Company appointed Christine Kang, a Partner in HHR’s New York office, who has extensive experience handling multilateral development bank (“MDB”) investigations and sanctions, as its counsel for this matter. Christine and the Hughes Hubbard team collaborated closely with the Company’s compliance function to appoint qualified Monitor to supervise the ICP on behalf of the ADB, to develop and implement a compliance program that met both the ADB’s requirements and Chinese national compliance guidelines. This ICP specifically addressed key areas such as bidding policies, third-party due diligence procedures and the establishment of an effective compliance function.


With support from the Company’s leadership and compliance function, Christine and her team guided the Company through the full implementation of the ICP. This included conducting compliance trainings for management and employees, establishing effective compliance functions, performing group-wide risk assessments, coordinating the Company in response to Monitor’s site visits and facilitating interviews with numerous employees, among others.


At the final stage of the ICP, the Hughes Hubbard team collaborated closely with the Company’s compliance function in drafting a comprehensive Request for Release to demonstrate the effectiveness of the Company’s ICP and compliance with the requirements of the Settlement Agreement. Ultimately, the firm’s team successfully helped the Company in achieving its release and reinstatement from the ADB sanctions that it has been subject to for over 10 years.

在合规整改工作的最后阶段,律师团队与公司合规部门密切配合,高效率起草了内容详实、支持证据充分的英文版《解禁申请》, 全面汇报公司各项合规工作所取得的进展和成绩,有力证明公司已经全面满足了《和解协议》项下的解禁条件。最终,成功协助公司解除了长达10余年的亚行制裁!

This case adds to the long list of large corporations counseled by Christine Kang and Hughes Hubbard team that have successfully obtained release from MDBs sanctions, demonstrating Hughes Hubbard team’s significant experiences in developing and implementing a compliance program in line with international compliance best practices and the MDBs’ standards and requirements.


Kang led the Hughes Hubbard team advising the company on this matter, which included Jonathan Zygielbaum, Wilson Wang, Masha Ma and Holden Fitzgerald.

本项目的HHR团队成员包括康乂律师、Jonathan Zygielbaum律师、王一凡律师、马建兰律师、和刘兆凯律师。